On April 11, I had the privilege of attending an info session on the Children's Miracle Network (CMN), the official platform of Miss America, as well as go on a tour of the only children's hospital in Connecticut, Connecticut Children's Medical Center, in Hartford. It was an amazing experience. I'll admit I knew very little about CMN or the children's hospital before we spent the day there. We got a tour from Scott, our official contact, of the entire hospital. What a wonderful place! It is completely kid-oriented, right down to the way the filter the air in the hospital (it is filtered extra during the day to take out that "hospital smell"). Everything in the hospital is arranged to make sure kids are comfortable and as pain-free and stress-free as they can possibly be.
Children's hospitals have saved me and my two brothers numerous times, and I owe them my life. Without CMN, these hospitals would cease to exist.
Please remember that you can make a donation to CMN on my website. I have a goal to raise $500 for the state pageant, and every little bit helps!
Link to my CMN fundraising website: http://www.missamerica4kids.org/m.aspx?i=11362267D8A88DA79