Monday, June 8, 2009

Cycle of Life the benefit Reach for the STARS Survivorship Program

From Cycle of Life to benefit Reach for the STARS Survivorship Program

Yesterday I had the honor of attending the Cycle of Life benefit in Hartford. The event was open to survivors of childhood cancer and their friends and families. The theme of the event was healthy eating and exercise and there were different games to help kids make healthy choices, which is important for anyone but definitely cancer survivors. Each child who was a survivor got a tee-shirt with stars on the back, signifying the number of years they have been surviving since their first diagnosis of cancer. These kids are so strong! From now on, whenever I am in pain, uncomfortable, sick, or miserable, I am going to think of how strong these kids are! They are way tougher then I could ever be.
From Cycle of Life to benefit Reach for the STARS Survivorship Program

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gretchen,
    I just wanted to say that I'm consistently amazed at your productivity, poise, and power. The blog is great- And I'll be thinking of you when Miss Connecticut happens! Good luck and it was a pleasure being at Smith College with you.

    Teresa C. Kenyon
